Physical education for health. Orientations for elementary school classes



October 16, 2022





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How to Cite

González Vargas, S. E. (2022). Physical education for health. Orientations for elementary school classes. Editorial Universidad de los Llanos. Retrieved from


Sandra Edith González Vargas
Universidad de los Llanos


This book compiles a series of experiences that are the result of the intervention of the project of physical education for health at school, application of the SPARK program, adapted to schoolchildren between 6 and 11 years of age, whose purpose was to evaluate the motor age of schoolchildren, inquire about their habits and lifestyles and, with the results, adapt activities to elementary school contexts to promote the practice of healthy habits and lifestyles.


  • Preliminares
  • 1. Conceptualización
  • 2. Actividades estudiantes de 6 a 8 años



    Between 6 and 8 years of age, a child should already be able to handle perceptive motor skills at a spatial and temporal level, included in their habitual motor skills, for example when running, walking, pushing, pulling; which will not only favor their capacity for balance and coordination in general, but also their possibility of social interrelation, even better if they participate in play strategies, where they will have the possibility of experiencing different sensations, of witnessing and manifesting feelings, of experiencing different roles. Understanding that play is the fundamental strategy for the formation of attitudes and qualities, favors the healthy growth and development of the child, a crucial aspect from the education - health interrelation approach.
    This chapter contains motor games that contribute to the development of capacities and abilities necessary for the age range between 6 and 8 years old, such as dynamic coordination, postural control and balance, flexibility, agility and reaction capacity.

  • 3. Actividades estudiantes de 9 a 11 años



    This chapter describes the games whose purpose is to improve the motor skills of schoolchildren between 9 and 11 years of age, taking into account that their favoring allows the realization of different physical activities for the achievement of the diverse situations of daily life. Although these capacities are determined by genetic factors, the environment in which one lives plays a fundamental role, given that the implementation and enrichment of this environment will allow the achievement of the skill or in many cases its improvement.

  • 4. Actividades estudiantes de 6 a 11 años



    This chapter describes the games that combine the favoring of both coordination and conditional capacities, in order to allow the interrelation between age groups. However, the complexity of some games will be aimed at the older age group.
    In general, an adequate development of physical fitness will contribute to the integral development of schoolchildren, improving their present and future health, as well as their quality of life.

  • Bibliografía

Author Biography

Sandra Edith González Vargas, Universidad de los Llanos

Fisioterapeuta y Magíster en Fisioterapia del deporte y la Actividad Física de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Docente del programa de Licenciatura en Educación Física y Deporte de la Universidad de los Llanos desde el año 2009.