Wet before use


March 18, 2018

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How to Cite

Pachón García, C. E. (2018). Wet before use. Editorial Universidad de los Llanos. Retrieved from https://unillanos.metalibros.org/index.php/editorial-unillanos/catalog/book/42


Carlos Enrique Pachón García
Universidad de los Llanos


Mójese antes de usar is a posthumous novel by poet and friend Carlos Pachón. It narrates the wanderings and occurrences of a young writer in the city of Villavicencio in the 80s and 90s. With an urban and informal language, but full of poetic and literary images, Pachón reveals another face of the territory of the plains beyond the landscape, and puts in the center of the panorama a human being writer who seeks to survive the tedium of his daily life through his letters.


  • Preliminares
  • 1. Ciudad en lluvia



    It's raining, it's raining, the Virgin in the cave
    Whores don't go to school
    My teeth hurt so much

  • 2. Los Domingos



    I was born on a Sunday
    on Monday I was baptized
    on Tuesday I learned about love
    on Wednesday I was married
    on Thursday I slept with her
    on Friday I gave her some sticks
    on Saturday she died
    and on Sunday we buried her
    on Monday I was in mourning,
    with my guitar in my hand
    and on Tuesday to look for another one,
    because alone I don't love

  • 3. El encuentro



    Ariel says that if you walk looking at the ground, in less than an hour you will find a coin.
    less than an hour you will find a coin.
    Ariel says that men can put on makeup, but it doesn't
    that doesn't mean they are queer.
    Ariel says that women's sex smells like seafood about to go bad.
    seafood about to go bad.

  • 4. Sandra Sola



    Sandra Sola give me that solitude
    that suits you so well
    SS with two other s's we make
    the silence that the world lacks
    SOS come to erase the help in my sand.
    We are the protagonists of a movie
    of caratecas. Come and hit me in the mug.

  • 5. El Sueño



    Those who do not dream, it means that they are only body.
    Those who dream and do not remember,
    I don't know what it means-
    Those who dream and remember,
    may also be spirit.
    Reality is a dream that ends badly.

  • 6. La calle del zodiaco



    I'm a lion, without mane, without teeth
    A vegetarian lion, without hunger
    A lion without jungle, without desire.
    Without kingdom.

  • 7. Cartas y otras invenciones



    Beloved Sandra Sola:
    I am writing to you, because when I speak to you it seems that sometimes you
    sometimes you understand more than you should, or less than you should.
    And I just want that when, by chance,
    you think of me, I will be there;
    that when, by chance, you name me, I'll be there.
    That when, by chance, you hate me, I won't be there.
    --------------------, who calls you SS, or in extreme cases calls you SOS.
    extreme cases calls you SOS.
    PS: There is not a day without you.

  • 8. El plan no era perfecto



    But he had the perfect plan to conquer her, to make her
    to make her whole life an appendix in fifteen days,
    a hernia of my life. So that she would begin to see that her
    friends were stupid and ordinary, so that her most constant thought would be death, to turn her
    her most constant thought would be death, to make her dependent
    dependent on my calls at night. So that she would not
    her town and her river, to make her believe that I was what she was looking for, to make her believe that I was what she was looking for.
    I was what she was looking for, to become that part of her that she was missing.
    of her that she was missing. To make her think that before
    me, she was wasting her time.
    To conquer her without the need to love her.

  • 9. El día que no llovió



    Yesterday it rained
    Maybe it rained
    Maybe it rained
    More like it rained
    Suddenly it rained
    It did rain
    It always rained
    It never rained Today
    it rained
    What did it rain?
    It didn't rain

  • 10. De vuelta al ventilador



    fan replaces downpour on rooftops
    the voice of a company

    it all sounds fresh to me
    the loose threads of a blanket are moving

    never mind a flu
    nor a night sneezing.

Author Biography

Carlos Enrique Pachón García, Universidad de los Llanos

Economist from the Universidad de los Llanos. Winner of the departmental poetry prize in 1998, awarded by the Ministry of Culture and the Fondo Mixto de Cultura del Meta. In 2004 he won the National Poetry Prize organized by the Metropolitan University of Barranquilla. In 2007 he won the departmental literature prize awarded by the Fondo Mixto de Cultura del Meta.
His poems have been published in the book Sinfonías iniciales, an anthology of the Entreletras writers' workshop, in 2000. In the anthology Por los verdes por los bellos países, Ministry of Culture, in 2002. In the Antología de la poesía colombiana actual, Spanish magazine Alhucema, in 2007; and in different poetry magazines in the country.
As for his published books are: La casa en desuso (poetry). 2005; La ciudad bajo el río (short novel), 2007; El día es inútil (poetry), 2009; Confesiones de un desencantado (poetry), 2007; and El mundo engañado (poetry).