Occasional considerations. Articles, essays and conferences


August 24, 2016

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How to Cite

Camacho Oviedo, N. (2016). Occasional considerations. Articles, essays and conferences. Editorial Universidad de los Llanos. Retrieved from https://unillanos.metalibros.org/index.php/editorial-unillanos/catalog/book/41


Nayib Camacho Oviedo
Universidad de los Llanos


We welcome and wish a qualified reception in the university and cultural sphere in general, to the significant and recent work of Professor Nayib Camacho O., Consideraciones ocasionales.
This new work, which we have had the privilege of reading, stands out for its wise critical approach and for its sensitivity in addressing and raising decisive issues of our daily living, deliberating and thinking on campus and in the diverse and complex universe of culture, the arts, science and technology.
It is a multipurpose and necessary book, to be read between the lines, as it constitutes a bold and to that extent authentic record, to break our conformism and passivity in relation to the flashpoints that occupy our daily concerns. To the extent that the book thematizes them, it makes them suggestive for reflection and analysis.

Miguel Antonio Guerrero Borda


  • Preliminares
  • 1. Elementos para entender una educación aberrante
  • 2. Pensar es malsano
  • 3. La formación ¿una cuestión de sensatez o una cuestión instrumenta?
  • 4. Reflexión, imaginación e ingenio
  • 5. Nostalgia de la universidad
  • 6. Reforma o necesidad de pscicoanálisis
  • 7. La carrera de revelos generacionales
  • 8. Apuntes sobre la topología pedagógica nacional
  • 9. Sobre pedagogía, docencia y enseñanza
  • 10. Navegación y conocimiento
  • Bibliografía

Author Biography

Nayib Camacho Oviedo, Universidad de los Llanos

He has published La profesión de los labios (short stories, 2015); Dulces gritos de ciudad (short stories, 2014); Agreste acrópolis (novel, 2012); Episodios de luna partida (short stories, 2009); Frente al ángel (poetic prose, 2005); Bicicleta de lluvia (poetry, 2002), among other publications. He is currently a professor at the Universidad de los Llanos - Villavicencio (Colombia).