Laboratorio de electromagnetismo


November 28, 2015

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How to Cite

Dubeibe , F. L. (2015). Laboratorio de electromagnetismo. Editorial Universidad de los Llanos. Retrieved from


Fredy L. Dubeibe
Universidad de los Llanos


Electromagnetism Laboratory is a support tool for teaching and was created with the objective of strengthening the knowledge of electrostatics, electric currents, elementary circuits and magnetism. Its purpose is based on eleven practices oriented to the realization of experiments, through the proper handling of precision instruments and the strengthening of analysis skills.
The practices presented in Laboratorio de Electromagnetismo are the result of the experience acquired in more than ten years of teaching by the author, who has chosen the laboratory activities taking as a reference the current conditions of the instruments, equipment and materials of the Physics Laboratory of the Universidad de los Llanos.


  • Preliminares
  • 1. Parte I – Preliminares
  • 2. Parte II - Prácticas de laboratorio
  • Bibliografía

Author Biography

Fredy L. Dubeibe , Universidad de los Llanos

Physicist (Universidad Industrial de Santander)
Master in Physics (Universidad Industrial de Santander).
Ph.D. in Physics (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)
Post-doctorate in Relativistic Astrophysics (Universidad Industrial de Santander).

Teaching experience:
2002-2010: Professor (Universidad Industrial de Santander, Universidad Nacional de Colombia)
2010-present: Full-time professor (Universidad de los Llanos).

Research experience:
Researcher research group in relativity and gravitation (GIRG) at Universidad Industrial de Santander.
Researcher in the chaos and complexity research group (C&C) of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Researcher of the Complex Quantum Systems research group of the University of Regensburg.
Lead researcher of the Cavendish research group of the Universidad de los Llanos.

About 45 publications in national and international high impact journals recognized by MinCiencias.