At six floors


September 20, 2021





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How to Cite

Benjumea Yepes, H., Sánchez Carballo, D., Chaparro Hurtado , H. R., Benavides , L. J., Ramos Velásquez , L. I., & Pachón García, C. E. (2021). At six floors. Editorial Universidad de los Llanos. Retrieved from


Henry Benjumea Yepes
Universidad de los Llanos
Darío Sánchez Carballo
Universidad de los Llanos
Héctor Rolando Chaparro Hurtado
Universidad de los Llanos
Laura Jimena Benavides
Universidad de los Llanos
Laura Isabel Ramos Velásquez
Universidad de los Llanos
Carlos Enrique Pachón García
Universidad de los Llanos


De seis pisos is an anthology of poetry written at the Universidad de los Llanos in Villavicencio, Meta. Six authors with close ties to this institution participate in it, some as teachers or former teachers and others as students and graduates, which makes the work not only manifest the concern for poetry (within the academic spaces: corridors, classrooms, gyms and laboratories...) of an individual, but of a collective, of a resonance between subjects. This is proven by the themes, images and sensations that are repeated among the authors, despite the differences in time and space of their texts.


  • Preliminares
  • Sótano
  • 1. Primer piso
    Henry Benjumea Yepes
  • 2. Segundo piso
    Darío Sánchez Carballo
  • 3. Tercer piso
    Héctor Rolando Chaparro Hurtado
  • 4. Cuarto piso
    Laura Jimena Benavides
  • 5. Quinto piso
    Laura Isabel Ramos Velásquez
  • 6. Sexto piso
    Carlos Enrique Pachón García

Author Biography

Henry Benjumea Yepes, Universidad de los Llanos

Philosopher, historian, writer and researcher. Professor at the universities Externado de Colombia, Libre, Gran Colombia, Incca, Universidad de los Llanos and Universidad de la Costa. Education and culture advisor to the Regional Council for Economic and Social Planning, Corpes Orinoquia, and the Universidad de los Llanos. Advisor to the Entreletras Cultural Corporation. Workshop leader for the Ministry of Culture,

Author Biography

Darío Sánchez Carballo, Universidad de los Llanos

Poet and architect, university professor. Master in Humanities: Art, Literature and Contemporary Culture from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain. Master studies in Architectural and Urban Heritage Intervention at the National University of Mar del Plata, Argentina. He has been invited to participate in various literary meetings and has published poems in magazines in Colombia and other countries such as Nicaragua, Spain, Argentina, Ecuador and Venezuela, among others. He has given literary workshops in various regions of Colombia. He was founder and director of the poetry journal El Aguijón, monographic editions. Member of the organizing committee of the International Poetry Festival of Bogota and member of the editorial board of Ulrika magazine. Contributor to Babab magazine, Spain; contributor to La Pecera magazine, Argentina; and La Otra magazine, Mexico. Editor of several books of poetry. Current director of the architecture and poetry magazine Cúpula.
In 2009 he published the book 49 rooms, Editorial El Zahir; in 2015, the book Retrovisor, Ediciones Ulrika; in 2019, the book Materia Oscura - poemas cuánticos, Editorial Unimeta; in 2019, the book chapter Intervención conceptual contemporánea al Museo Guayupe en Puerto Santander, Meta, from the book Patrimonio y contemporaneidad. Colección Hábitat y Patrimonio, Editorial Universidad de la Salle.

Author Biography

Héctor Rolando Chaparro Hurtado , Universidad de los Llanos

PhD in Latin American Social Studies, Communication and Culture, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; Master in Information and Knowledge Society, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya; Specialist in Philosophy of Science, Universidad El Bosque. Full-time professor and researcher at the Faculty of Human Sciences and Education, Universidad de Los Llanos.

Author Biography

Laura Jimena Benavides , Universidad de los Llanos

B.A. in Physical Education from Universidad de los Llanos. Master in Literary Creation from Universidad Central. Research fellow in the department of Colciencias. She has attended different poetry workshops in the city of Bogota and Medellin.

Author Biography

Laura Isabel Ramos Velásquez , Universidad de los Llanos

Biologist from the Universidad de Los Llanos. In 2018 she was selected by Estirpe poesía with the poems Tinto en la finca, Sobreviví and 2013-2018 for the international anthology of youth poets Hilos Rojos, published in Chile by the publishing house La Balandra Poética. Since 2018 she is part of the permanent writers' workshop Entreletras.

Author Biography

Carlos Enrique Pachón García, Universidad de los Llanos

Economist from the Universidad de los Llanos. Winner of the departmental poetry prize in 1998, awarded by the Ministry of Culture and the Fondo Mixto de Cultura del Meta. In 2004 he won the National Poetry Prize organized by the Metropolitan University of Barranquilla. Winner of the 2007 departmental literature prize awarded by the Fondo Mixto de Cultura del Meta.