Fundamentals of electrical circuits. Laboratory Practices


November 18, 2022

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How to Cite

Castro Ladino, J. R. (2022). Fundamentals of electrical circuits. Laboratory Practices. Editorial Universidad de los Llanos. Retrieved from


Javier Ricardo Castro Ladino
Universidad de los Llanos


Electrical circuits are fundamental in the basic structure of modern technology; this is why it is important that, from the training received, professionals in electrical and electronic engineering are competent in the design, construction and analysis of electrical equipment and systems that contribute to technological progress.

To achieve this objective, the analysis of electrical circuits is fundamental, since it has an impact on other disciplines that have emerged from electrical engineering, such as telecommunications, robotics, mechatronics, systems and computer engineering, electronic instrumentation, electromechanics, automation and control.

This book begins with the study of the variables and elements that make up an electrical circuit, and then takes on the basic analysis of resistive circuits, the study and mastery of the methods and techniques for their analysis and design.

Likewise, the laboratory practices presented seek to support the student to apply the concepts and develop skills in the analysis and design of direct current (DC) electrical circuits. The structure of the text has been adapted for those who are approaching the study of electrical circuits for the first time.


  • 1. Resistencia eléctrica equivalente y ley de Ohm
  • 2. Análisis de circuitos resistivos mediante corrientes de malla
  • 3. Análisis de circuitos resistivos mediante voltajes de no
  • 4. Teorema de superposición
  • 5. Transformación de fuentes
  • 6. Teoremas de Thévenin y Norton
  • 7. Teorema de transferencia máxima de potencia
  • 8. Amplificador operacional, aplicaciones básicas
  • Preliminares

Author Biography

Javier Ricardo Castro Ladino, Universidad de los Llanos

Ingeniero electrónico con especialización en Instrumentación electrónica de la Universidad Antonio Nariño y magister en Ingeniería electrónica y de computadores de la Universidad de los Andes. Profesor adscrito a la Facultad de Ciencias Básicas e Ingeniería de la Universidad de los Llanos. Ha orientado cursos en el área de circuitos eléctricos, electrónica análoga e instrumentación electrónica.