Bodies without souls. Bodies without God



May 8, 2018





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How to Cite

Bedoya Leguizamón, H. de L. (2018). Bodies without souls. Bodies without God . Editorial Universidad de los Llanos. Retrieved from


Héctor de León Bedoya Leguizamón
Universidad de los Llanos


Undoubtedly, the multidirectional phenomenon of education affects the body in countless planes, moments and places. But religious education is perhaps the most powerful influence to which humans have been exposed since time immemorial and from childhood, which has transformed their conscience, convictions and ways of living together to unsuspected limits.

And even though this area of study may seem very strange in physical education, given the widespread sports-oriented and schooled notion of it, as well as the reductionist perception of the body, this essay seeks to defend its academic-scientific legitimacy by approaching the catechized bodies. To this end, several questions are explored: to what extent has Christianity penetrated corporeality when it comes to evangelizing the being, its freedom, environment, worldview and meaning of life? To what extent has the Judeo-Christian ethical system permeated, molded and led the body (in the broadest and highest sense of the word)? What role did Christianity and the Catholic Church play in the history of slavery? How much weight have their verses and precepts had on the sexual dimension of their faithful? How have their stories of souls, gods, saints, heavens and hells, taken for unobjectionable and untouchable, had an impact on decorporealization? How and why were they conceived? What motives are hidden behind them all? And, of course, what reasons have the unbelievers had for not considering the dogmas of the Churches in the formation of their identities and their projects without fear of condemnation? What notion of the body (life, death, happiness...) do they have? What are their ethics?


  • Preliminares
  • 1. El génesis de Dios y del alma
  • 2. El más allá y la descorporeización
  • 3. La animadversión cristiana hacia
  • 4. El menosprecio católico por la mujer y la desfiguración de su cuerpo
  • 5. La desnaturalización católica del sexo en la Edad Media
  • 6. La demonización corporal católica y sus depredadores sexuales
  • 7. ¿Cómo entender la paradoja católica de no al sexo y después sí a la reproducción
  • 8. Las atrocidades de la fe esclavitud y muerte
  • 9. Cuerpos sin alma. Cuerpos sin Dios
  • 10. Cuerpos adoctrinados y cuerpos libres
  • Bibliografía

Author Biography

Héctor de León Bedoya Leguizamón, Universidad de los Llanos

Nació en Villavicencio. Licenciado en Educación física y deportes de la Universidad de los Llanos. Docente de esta misma alma máter en áreas de la pedagogía. Dirige el grupo de investigación Praxis Complexus. Máster en educación. Actualmente adelanta estudios de doctorado en pensamiento complejo.