About the Press

The University of Los Llanos is an academic and research leader in the Orinoco region. Its work is focused on fulfilling its mission through the formulation of projects, the execution of actions, and the creation of spaces for communicating and debating academic knowledge in society.


As part of its mission response, the university established the Editorial under Superior Agreement 012 of 2014, based on the General Statute of the University and its objectives to disseminate knowledge produced by faculties, academic programs, as well as schools and observatories. The Editorial aims to promote and stimulate production in the academic, artistic, scientific, technological, technical, and cultural fields within the university community. Additionally, it ensures the national and international circulation of the university's publications and implements mechanisms for exchanging editorial production, especially for translating the works of scholars who write in foreign languages when these are relevant in local and national contexts.


Administratively, the Editorial is coordinated by the Editorial Council, which authorizes the production, distribution, and commercialization of publications. The council is composed of the Academic Vice-Rector, who serves as its chairperson; the Director General of Social Projection, who presides in the absence of the Academic Vice-Rector; the Director General of Research; the Director General of Curriculum; the editors of each serialized publication of the university; the Director of the Library System or their representative, who acts as the secretary; and the student representative to the Academic Council or the Superior Council.


With the objectives for which the editorial was created in mind and in pursuit of active participation in the realm of Colombian university publications, Editorial Unillanos became a member of the Association of University Publishers of Colombia (ASEUC) in 2016. ASEUC is a non-profit organization that brings together more than 72 university publishers and works to unite and represent its members, as well as promote the production and distribution of university books in both printed and electronic formats.


As members of the association, the editorial production of the University of Los Llanos has been featured at national book fairs such as those in Bogotá, Cali, Santa Marta, and the Fiesta del Libro y la Cultura in Medellín. It has also had a presence at international fairs such as the ones in Guadalajara, Madrid and Frankfurt.